Interviewed by Gayle Forman

Such an honor for me to be interviewed by Gayle Forman, one of my favorite authors! Here is our interview, up on Omnivoracious, the Amazon Book Review… 

Gayle FormanGayle Forman: Your latest book, The Walls Around Us, is a provocative, suspenseful tale about ghosts, ballet dancers, and teenager killers, but also the blurry line between living and dead, between guilt and innocence.

This is the third amazing novel of yours I’ve read that explores such murky depths. What draws you to these kinds of stories? What’s the spark?

Nova Ren Suma: I keep finding myself drawn to explore what disturbs and unnerves me…My early teenage years weren’t easy—when I was thirteen, fourteen, fifteen—I can remember it as if it were yesterday. I think that’s where all of this is coming from. I’m writing these stories for the girl I was.

That’s just the start—Gayle had some wonderful questions for me, and the rest of the interview can be found here.

For more about the book