Yesterday, I was on Twitter (as, um, usual) and my attention was pointed to this very surreal piece of news: Malia and Sasha Obama were book-shopping at the Strand Bookstore in New York and bought a certain YA novel… yes, MINE. What??
According to, it’s true! And I am thrilled to think of the Obama sisters reading the book I wrote for my very own, beloved little sister Laurel Rose. We think of it as the “sister book,” and we both love when sisters read it. (My sister is amazingly supportive of my writing and this book, and I adore her!)
And, to make this all the more surreal, this morning I discovered my name on the gossip page of the NY Daily News… something I never thought I’d see in this lifetime!
Malia and Sasha: I really hope you like the book. If you want a signed bookmark or something, just email me! 🙂