New Author Newsletter with Bonus Content for Writers

I’ve just launched my new official author newsletter, and you can subscribe right now to get news on my upcoming novel and much more. Plus starting in September there will be premium content for fellow writers!

In The Words Around Us I’ll be sharing: BOOK NEWS. Writing process. The author life. Creative inspirations. Publishing survival stories. And so much more.

You can visit the site now at and learn more about my plans for what’s to come here.

I’d love it if you considered subscribing!

There will always be a free monthly post for subscribers… but if you’re a writer who is seeking a way to delve into craft and kick-start your creativity every month, read on.

This special membership is for writers of all mediums, genres, and age levels. Beginning in September, if you’re interested in posts about writing craft, and about my writing process as I work on my first adult novel in many years, as well as other projects, this is where I’ll share all that, in a more private members-only space. I’ll also be posting a monthly writing prompt and, if applicable, discussing my own experience with the prompt and what it helped me discover. In the future, depending on interest, I may also host a seasonal prompt-writing hour live in Zoom and you’d get an invitation.

I’d be so happy to see you there!