My new novel is called Wake the Wild Creatures and it’s coming Summer 2025 from Little, Brown! The book was just announced in Publishers Weekly‘s Rights Report, and this is the first day I’ve ever revealed the title publicly!

Sometimes the writing and publishing of a book takes a hundred years. Sometimes, by the end, your original editor and even your original publisher have vanished and you’re standing here simply wanting someone to know this book exists. So here I am, wanting you to know! Wake the Wild Creatures is ferociously special to me. I promise, if you’ve ever liked anything I’ve written, this book is well worth the wait.

From Publishers Weekly:

The text from this image:

Elise Howard while at Algonquin Young Readers bought, in an exclusive submission, Wake the Wild Creatures by Nova Ren Suma; Alvina Ling will edit at Little, Brown.* This contemporary, fabulist YA novel tells the story of Talia Lasker who is ripped away from her isolated all-women community in the mountains after her mother is captured and arrested. With all paths back mysteriously unreachable, Talia must uncover who betrayed her community and brave the sinister world outside to find her way home. Publication is slated for summer 2025; Michael Bourret at Dystel, Goderich & Bourret did the deal for world rights.

* I do want to say that the full journey had more twists and turns than PW was able to print. Elise Howard and I got to finish our editorial work together on this novel even after she became an agent, and there is much more to the story than meets the eye! I’ll share the long, twisty path that Wake the Wild Creatures took to get to this moment in upcoming posts in my newsletter. Subscribe here:

And stay tuned for more book reveals including the cover, pre-order links, and much more!