It’s July 1 in Australia, and the ANZ edition of Imaginary Girls (published by Pier 9 / Murdoch Books) is available in stores now! I just celebrated my US pub date two weeks ago, so it’s thrilling to get to have another pub day so soon!
If you wake up on July 1 and go out looking for the book in Australia, this is what it looks like:

If you’re in Australia or New Zealand I hope you’ll go buy a copy and that you enjoy the book (though “enjoy” is a strange word to use for the shivery creepy-crawly reactions I’ve heard from some people who connected with Imaginary Girls). Enjoy it anyway!
For more about the paperback ANZ edition of Imaginary Girls, please see my Australian publisher’s website. Available in Australia and New Zealand where books are sold.
Many thanks to Lauren Abramo, the foreign rights director at DGLM, for making this happen, and to the editors at Pier 9 for wanting to publish my book!