Pre-order Signed & Personalized Copies from Head House Books
There’s now a way to pre-order signed & personalized copies of Wake the Wild Creatures from my local independent bookstore, Head House Books here in Philadelphia!
There’s now a way to pre-order signed & personalized copies of Wake the Wild Creatures from my local independent bookstore, Head House Books here in Philadelphia!
I was delighted and honored by this news late last week: Wake the Wild Creatures received a starred review… from Publishers Weekly!
Wake the Wild Creatures is coming May 6 from Little, Brown and here’s the beautiful dream of a cover, illustrated by Adele Leyris, and designed by Sasha Illingworth…
My new novel is called Wake the Wild Creatures and it’s coming Summer 2025 from Little, Brown! The book was just announced in Publishers Weekly‘s Rights Report, and this is the first day I’ve ever revealed the title publicly!
I’ve just launched my new official author newsletter, and you can subscribe right now to get news on my upcoming novel and much more. Plus starting in September there will be premium content for fellow writers!
Something disturbingly haunting has opened its doors! The House Where Death Lives, the YA horror anthology containing one of my stories, is now available in bookstores.
I’m bringing back my Crafting the Young Adult Novel class with 24PearlStreet, which is Fine Arts Work Center’s online home for writers. This 4-week course is enrolling right now, and discounts and scholarships are available!
Soon I will have an announcement about my next book! All I can say right now is that it’s a YA novel and it’s coming from Little, Brown* in Summer 2025!
Working on a YA novel? I have a new online seminar this spring with Tin House and we are now accepting applications! Apply now! Admissions are rolling. The scholarship deadline has been extended to April 12!
There’s a new frightening anthology coming your way, and I have a short story in it: The House Where Death Lives is a unique collection of stories all set in a horror-filled room of a house, and the ferocious cover has just been revealed!
Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA is now in print, published by Algonquin Young Readers in October. This book, co-edited with Emily X.R. Pan, is so much more than an ordinary short story anthology…
Our online project FORESHADOW: A Serial YA Anthology is coming to print! In October, Algonquin YR will publish Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA, featuring 13 stories by new voices paired with craft talks by me & Emily X.R. Pan.